Friday, April 10, 2009

Saying the Stupidest Thing

We went to the Marlies game on Wednesday. We had a great time there. The Marlies lost in overtime but still it was a fun and exciting game. I bought a blue Marlies t-shirt with long white sleeves. This is important to remember for later. Natasha, Arlene & myself watched the players come out of the dressing room and I got a couple of good pictures. I did miss a real nice one when Arlene moved her head and blocked the picture. No worries as I scored a bunch of photos as the team walked by. Later it was announced that Ryan Hollweg would be signing autographs. That made my day. Yes I would be lining up for his signature. I even put on the new t-shirt.
Two days after getting his autograph, I was playing on the Xbox and thinking about my exciting encounter when it hit me. I said the most stupidest thing to him. I have repeated what I said to anybody who would listen. I don't know why nobody caught what it sounded like, why nobody told me. Boy now when I replay that moment it takes on a different slant.
Now back to that day. Me & Arlene got in line to wait for Hollweg's appearance. We made a few off colour comments about where he should sign my shirt. I thought about trying to take of the new t-shirt so he could properly sign the sleeve but I was holding my coat, the camera, my purse and we were near the front of the line so I left it on. My idea would be that I would pull my arm out of the sleeve as much as possible giving him a nice flat surface to write on. Now when Arlene went up to him she said "I don't have anything fancy for you to sign, here's my ticket." That's when I took his picture with her. When I went up I did pull my arm half way up the sleeve and laid it on the table for him to sign. And I said to Ryan Hollweg of the Toronto Marlies, "Here let me make it real long for you!" He smiled (now I'm thinking he was ready to say something in response) I thanked him blissfully unaware of how that sounded.