Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Hot and there is Hockey

Fall Flowers
Preparing for Halloween yet it is so warm that I forgot my sweater at work. Didn't need it so I walked out without it. Other than the shorter day light hours you would think it was summer not fall. Not complaining at all and I want a winter with very little snow. Had shingles, got rid of them, they may be returning thanks to stress at work. 
In the mean time I bought a great little zombie girl for Halloween. I set her up in the living room and I forgot she was there and I had a start when I went to the kitchen. I made a small video and had two people startle when viewing it. It will be fun at Halloween. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Loons

What nice weather. It's surprising, technically still summer but such mild temperatures. Dad tried his new paint sprayer, not a winner and still some painting to finish up. This morning, rather 4:30 a.m., I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's ringtone is a loon's call. I sat straight up totally disorientated looking for my phone. I'm hoping seconds later I realize that it is actually real loons calling to each other.

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