Friday, August 03, 2012

Chipmunk clown car

It seems that I keep seeing chipmunks leaving the cottage which means they are roaming around checking out what food they can steal away. Lincoln's kibbley bits are a favourite and he helps them out by spreading them about the room. We had a squirrel find it's way in to the porch and Lincoln chased it back and forth. it would not take any directions on where the door was so we left it to get out on its own. This meant the front door had to be left opened and this also meant that the chipmunks came and went as they pleased. In the bedroom, the porch, the living room and the kitchen. They came out of the cottage like clowns from a clown car.
When I came into the kitchen I thought I saw a shadow on the broken

stove. Popping out from a burner was the head of a chipmunk.

Later I heard something rustling around and low and behold there was a cereal bar on the floor with little teeth marks in the foil wrapper. It was taken from the box and dragged across the floor. Dropped in haste and heard from a nearby tree a scolding squirrel yelling its anger at missing such a treat.

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