Saturday, April 29, 2006


This link is amazing. Who would figure that there are wild parrots living in Brooklyn? I have been meaning to post this link for quite a while. I have been obsessing over the TV show Angel and American Idol. This is the first time I have watched either show. I think it is the controversy of the voting that intrigues me the most. From what I have read the voting has been compared to the way wrestling is set up. I did notice how a popular contestant seems to be getting the short stick while others are kept on beyond their ability.
As for Angel, just like Stargate it is the sharp humour that draws me in.
I will be posting more later, but it will be my nephew’s birthday this weekend and I will post birthday pictures on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Where are the birthday pictures??? It's Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

OMG you like Angel?!? Wow its like my second fav show! Buffy is my first fav but like Angel is kinda a spin off of that show. Anyways I got like the fifth season of that show. Its the last season adn I havtn seen many other seasons but I like this one the most. I think its the funniest well other then the fact that there is some really really funny eps. in other seasons. Yeah they have there special kinda of funny on that show and the fighting is awsome. I love vampires too. lol. Angel a vampire with a soul. Ha and Angels real name in the show is Liam and he is Irish but went to the U.S after he got his soul and it the accent kinda wore off. Amn I know to Anyways peace.
- Ashley