Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Life was simpler way back in the day. I don't remember it being so hot and humid, cars only needed a 4 - 60 for air conditioning (4 windows open doing 60 miles an hour) and who needed a huge pool when all it took was someone with a tire pump or a good set of lungs a couple of buckets of water. Now I can't live without air conditioning. No big speeches here about global warming, environmental causes, energy uses and misuses, no watching earth in a gigantic hand basket going to heck while we all watch and wave, it's all about comfort. I conserve energy, I recycle, and I do my laundry late at night. I try to be a good conservator but when it feels like a sauna and the little window fan is circulating hot humid air it's time to turn on the AC. I thought I could hold out longer but I caved. This isn't about guilt it is about comfort and that's what I'm sticking to.

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