Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our Christmas Party

Thank goodness that the snow didn't happened till after our party. I shoveled snow till my face felt like it was a cold rubbery mask. Then the plow came. Although I am thankful that the plow actually did our street, sometimes I feel it is a rare treat, it means I have to dig out a spot for the van to get out.
Back to the party.
Louise gave massive help with the setup and sandwiches. Everyone helped with the setup and afterwards the cleanup. The gang looked wonderful thanks to Natasha and Manny. We had food and treats for all. Ken helped himself to many a butter tart. I don't remember sitting down except once to have a bowl of bean salad. Nice and garlicy!. It was nice to chat with everyone, I just wish I had more time to do so. We had our fake fireplace going as well as the singing Santa. We also had the Leafs game on for the gang on the big TV in the livingroom. Something for everyone. An amazing night and thanks to all that made it possible.

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