It started out as a case of the fleas. We found the little bloodsuckers in October and went on a kill and destroy mission for months. There is nothing weirder than seeing this bug on the belly of a dog. It looks like they are swimming or skating on the skin in swirling patterns, almost hypnotic but very creepy. They are fast and hide well and make you feel itchy from afar. Nasty little creatures but crunch very satisfactorily between your nails. After a vet visit and two applications of a flea control medication the bugs were gone. Then a sore appeared on Lincoln's belly. I thought it was a fleabite that was infected so I applied an antibiotic cream to it and it disappeared. Much later I noticed more crusty spots, personally it looked like bird crap on a redden area. I bathed Lincoln incase it was a reaction to the flea medication. It seemed to help but not totally. I got a special antibiotic shampoo and made poor Lincoln endure weekly baths. I even got him a spray to treat the itchiness, which he hated and he would run and hide to avoid the strong smell.
Then I had a dream that he lost all the hair from his neck down except a fringe around his lower torso. In the dream I saw him walking around near hairless when his left front paw fell off. There he was walking on a leg bone with a dried out paw sitting on the floor. I cried non-stop till I finally woke up. That day I booked an appointment for the vet.
We planned the visit like a kidnapping. Get Lincoln in the van, he is happy relaxed, pick up my nephew Kevin, close to the vet snap on the lead, park in front of the vet office, slide open the van door, run Lincoln straight in then park the van. On the home, reverse it so the van sits in front motor running and Kevin runs out to the van with the dog pushes him in and the van takes off towards a parking lot while I pay the bill. Very co-coordinated, all that was missing was the ransom note.
For the actually visit Lincoln has a bacterial skin infection, nothing contagious, and fixed by a week of antibiotics. Lincoln was very good there but shook like a leaf the entire time. He even lay down with his belly showing for the vet to look at his under carriage. He got his dog shots, got weighed, needs to lose a pound or two and it was back to the van and home again.
Next week is the follow up appointment. Must book the get away car.