Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finding Trista

There is nothing like the panic, the horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach when you get a call asking if you have heard from a family member. The exchange of "No I haven't, what's going on, what has been done so far." - over the phone is excruciating. Trista went on a visit and should have been home safe in Hamilton hours ago but a frantic call from her boyfriend Sean shattered the calm of a pleasant Sunday evening. I checked the train station for delays as there had been white out conditions throughout the province and messaged her mom about Trista's whereabouts. While waiting, I sent out Angels to protect her, psychic energy towards her, tried to make a mental connection with her, anything rather than sit there and worry of all the horrible possibilities that could befall her. To add to the worry, my brother David, his wife Elaine & son Quinton were on the road going back to the farm driving on snow covered roads and dealing with white out conditions. 
We get the call that Trista is all right and safe at home. She fell asleep on the train. Such relief that it immediately relaxes all those tight muscles. I phone my brothers' family to tell them the good news and to check how they made out driving back to the farm. I am told of a near miss on the highway where a car was bearing down on them apparently drifting off to their side of the road and the road disappearing with snow blinding them on and off.  
I decided to look up some resources on the internet after feeling helpless on what to do for Trista.  As for the road conditions we have the Weather Network that updates often and has road conditions for the province. I know it is lame to say I can't imagine what a family goes through when they are waiting for news but I got a tiny taste of it and my heart goes out to all those families. 

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