Friday, September 05, 2008

Last of the Bathroom Renovations

I'll I have to do is a bit of touch up paint then the bathroom is done. The floor is redone. The big mistake that I made was to pick out the floor tile on the cheap and before the look was finished. It just didn't go with the room. It was a little off. It really started to bug me. I bought a bunch of loose tiles to bring to the house so I could see which would be right for the bathroom. Some of them were close but I didn't love them. Then we went to Lowes and right away found an abundance of nice tiles. The tiles are great. They were easy to install, have a simple pattern and the colour matches the paint and the vanity. We installed them the next day and I love the look. My Dad & I stained the baseboards to match the vanity. I did take down those weird green scarf curtains. I could never keep them even and they kept slipping, I was forever fixing them. The white curtains look much better. Finally, I am happy with the bathroom. 

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